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Fort Masters
Help teens and tweens get in touch with nature.
The Ask
In Fortnite, you build forts. And kids love to build forts.
The Insight
Let’s bring kids back outside to building forts with a backyard fort-building competition challenging players to stay outside as long as they can.
The Idea
Role: Art Director, Designer, Editor
Credits: Catherine Butler (Copywriter)
When players logged on to the game, they got a Fort Masters announcement through Fortnite News.
To enter the competition, players built forts made entirely of natural materials and submitted pictures of their builds through the Fort Masters website.
Pro-builder judges chose the top entries of each game mode to see who could last the longest in their fort on a Twitch livestream.
During the livestream, judges sent out nature quests for players to complete and unlock spectator-sponsored “Supply Drops” that were delivered to their location.
The last fort standing in each category was built in-game in a new named location called Fort Forest, where players could gather natural materials.